

Who are the Wayne Waves?

The Wayne Waves Swim Team is the official swim team for the Township of Wayne, competing in two leagues - the Ramapo Hills Swim Conference and the Lakeland Swim Conference. Wayne Waves is open to any Wayne swimmers between the ages of 6 and 18. Swimmers must be able to swim 25 meters (1 lap) of freestyle without stopping. The Wayne Waves Swim Team is a wonderful opportunity to learn and enjoy the sport of competitive swimming.

What time commitments are required?

The Wayne Waves Swim Team runs from the end of June to early August. Practices begin after school the end of June. When school ends, practices will take place in the mornings. Meets are held on Monday and Wednesday evenings, from the end of June through the beginning of August. Meets normally last about two hours, and take place either at our home lake (Tom's Lake) or at the opposing team’s lake. Practice is required in order to be eligible to swim in the meets. Practices are organized based on ability, and assignment will be determined based on the skill level of the swimmer. In addition to the dual meets held during the week, swimmers will have the option of entering Lakeland Swim Conference Invitational Meets held throughout the season on Saturday mornings. These meets are a lot of fun, as they are attended by swimmers from across the league. There is a nominal fee for participation in these meets. This year, we are hosting the Individual Age Invitational on July 22.

What will be required of parents?
The Wayne Waves Swim Team is intended to foster the development of competitive swimmers. Good sportsmanship will be required from both swimmers and parents. Swimmers are expected to attend practices and meets, and parents are to ensure swimmers are able to do so. Each family is required to provide volunteer service at meets. It may be a parent, guardian, older sibling, aunt, uncle, family friend, etc. Our swim team cannot function without the support of the families. It is required all families help. If your swimmer attends an invitational, you need to help there as well.

Is the swim team right for my child?
The swim team requires no previous team experience, however, the ability to swim 25/50 meters of any stroke, (depending on age group) is required. The coaches will work with the swimmers to develop endurance, confidence, and racing skills. The Wayne Waves Swim Team is a fun opportunity to learn and develop swimming skills. The swim team is a great way for children to meet others who share an interest in swimming and bond with their teammates. Many lasting friendships have developed as a result of participation in the Wayne Waves Swim Team program!

Okay…what’s next?
To join the Wayne Waves Swim Team, all swimmers are required to register at the Parks and Recreation department in Town Hall. Parents are also required to join the parent organization, FOWST, (the Friends of the Wayne Swim Team) and pay annual dues. After-school practices will begin towards the end of June at Tom's Lake. While attendance at after-school practices is not mandatory, it is suggested you attend as many as possible as the first meet is scheduled shortly after the end of school. Meet and practice schedules will be posted on waynewaves.org.

Season Rules and Requirements

The Wayne Waves Swim Team is meant to foster the development of competitive swimmers. Therefore, good sportsmanship will be required from both swimmers and parents.

Swimmers will be expected to attend practices and meets. IF YOU ARE PLANNING TO MISS A MEET, THE COACH NEEDS TO BE INFORMED AT LEAST ONE DAY BEFORE THE MISSED MEET. IF A SWIMMER MISSES A MEET AND NO COMMUNICATION WAS MADE TO THE COACH, THE SWIMMER WILL NOT SWIM IN THE FOLLOWING MEET. These meets take a long time to put together to ensure every swimmer will participate. Not informing the coach ahead of time can cause a relay to be canceled, which impacts the team and the other swimmers in the relay.

EACH FAMILY IS REQUIRED TO VOLUNTEER IN EVERY SINGLE MEET iN WHICH YOUR SWIMMER IS PARTICIPATING. Sign-up information will be available once registration is completed.

We are looking forward to another successful season filled with great times, friendships and fun! Communication and volunteer involvement will make this a great summer for all!

Coaches contact information: [email protected]

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Wayne Waves Swim Team 2023 Coach Andrew [email protected] FOWST [email protected]